Windows service "Messenger Sharing USN Journal Reader Service" - Service installed by messenger to enable sharing scenarios.

Execution command: C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\usnsvc.exe

This service is installed as part of Microsoft Live Messenger. If you are using it, you should leave it running in "Manual" mode.

This is mentioned at that:

... However, the well known service (Messenger Sharing USN Journal Reader service) was modified further. It's now running all the time (check the task manager for a usnsvc.exe) and not only when WLM is active. Older WLM versions started and stopped the service with every WLM session.

Someone reported to have a hard time to delete usnsvc.exe from the file system because it is defined as a process and possibly in running status. If that the case, just delete usnsvc.exe from the service registry. Read more on

... usnsvc.exe is still showing as a running process... If you set it to "disabled" without stopping the service, it's possible that it will not show on the next reboot. If you set it to "manual", it's possible that it has been reloaded from your startup items... I am not familiar with this new version of MSN Messenger, so I don't know if it can be disabled under MSN preferences or options. As I said before, it's not a baddie by itself but it is not needed (and "eats" about 2 Mb of your RAM memory).

"Messenger Sharing USN Journal Reader Service" program file info:

Directory: C:\Program Files\MSN Messenger\
File name: usnsvc.exe
Description: Messenger Sharing USN Journal Reader Service
Size: 225,353 bytes
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 2004, 5:12:32 PM
Version: 8.1.0168.00_ClientV8.1
Company name : Microsoft Corporation

엠에센 라이브 메신져를 사용하면서 실행되는 프로세서다.
원격 공유나, 공유폴더를 실행하게 되면 usnsvc.exe 가 실행되는데, 공유폴더 사용이나 원격공유를
끝내게 되도 자동으로 꺼지지 않는다.
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서비스 항목에 Messenger Sharing USN Journal Reader Service 는 공유 시나리오를 실행
할 수 있도록 메신져에서 설치한 서비스다.

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